ScanPalEDA52 is Honeywell’s next generation ScanPal series mobile computer equipped with the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon octa-core 2.0GHz processor and robust wireless connectivity through NFC, Wi-Fi5, Bluetooth5.1 and 4GLTE communication.
A prominent 5.5-inch Gorilla Glass touch screen interface and ergonomic industrial design help to greatly improve user comfort and experience. Its lightweight and slim design means that users can easily operate the device with one hand, carry it in pockets, and stay comfortable all day.
The 13-megapixel rear camera allows users to capture high-resolution images for quality image documentation while the 5-megapixel front camera allows users to engage in video communication.
The EDA52 incorporates the all-new and powerful Honeywell S0703 scan engine which enables fast reading even of damaged or incomplete barcodes.
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